How to learn French?

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French is one of the most spoken languages in the world. If you are interested in art, architecture, and philosophy, it will be useful for you to know the language of this country, which is considered to be the center of art. In addition, you can learn French and travel to countries whose language is French. By chatting and dialogue with people who speak French, you can further develop your language and create the necessary environment for friends and business network. Do many people wonder how to learn French? Learning languages is like riding a bike. This work, which you did not know at first and was distant to you, will begin to bear fruit as you proceed in a planned way. So repetition, stability, and motivation are so important to learn. Sometimes your willingness and stability can fall. Let’s give you some tips that will revolt you and provide the necessary motivation.

1- Learn the structure of language

Learn language structure
Learn language structure

French is a language that contains the words of many languages. That’s why learning words is so important. In addition, if you learn the language structure and how to make sentences on a simple basis, this will give you the opportunity to make easy-to-understand sentences with the words you learn. To learn this, you can take online classes to “learn French online“.

2-Improve your pronunciation

Improve the pronunciation
Improve the pronunciation

French has a different pronunciation than English. You can download the “learn french app” or take lessons from online teachers whose native language is French. In this way, your practice will improve and you will learn how to pronounce words.

3. Memorize words every day

Memorize words every day

Another rule that applies to French as in other languages is to memorize words consistently. If you memorize a certain number of words every day, you will be able to speak and master most of the language within 2-3 months. For this, you can take advantage of “learn French free”.

4-Use social media in French

Use online French apps
Use social media in French

We visit sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram many times every day and spend a long time. If you want to use this in your favor, you can make your social media accounts in French. In this way, you can easily access French content.

5- Learn French free by listening to podcasts

Learn French by listening to podcasts
Learn French by listening to podcasts

Nowadays, many useful applications have started to be downloaded for mobile devices via Google Play and App Store. From an app that reads audiobooks to you while you’re on a job, to podcasts where music listening platforms can upload their own programs. You can open an “audiobook in French” in the background while cleaning the house, on the bus, or doing things that your mind doesn’t need to work. Another option is to “learn French by listening to podcasts”. You can find both French learning podcasts and podcasts that you can listen to in the fields you are interested in.

6-Make loud repetitions

Make Repetitions
Make Repetitions

You can repeat the words you have learned with your own voice over and over again or you can record your voice on a voice recorder. When you constantly hear repeated words or repeat them with your voice, your long-term learning will be realized.

7- “Repeat” and put it into the permanent memory

Memory consists of two parts, the first of which is a temporary memory and the other is permanent memory. While the things you learn during the day are thrown into your temporary memory, they will be transferred to your permanent memory as you repeat them. Repeat the “French words” into your permanent memory.

 8- How to learn French? : By watching cartoons of course

Wath Netflix
Wath Cartoons

If you are a beginner, you can watch French cartoons suitable for children. The words in the content will remain in your memory.

9- Don’t compare yourself

Learning a language is a difficult process and a personal affair. Not everyone can learn French at the same pace. So focus on your own flow and keep working.

10- Learn French free and take notes!

Take Notes
Take Notes

Be careful not to study without grades while studying. The notes you wrote will allow you to both instantly focus on the lesson and recall it by repeating.

Additionally, don’t hesitate to contact us! We will always be happy to help you!

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